Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Rineke Dijkstra

Rineke's process of shooting these images seem to be simply taking simple portraits of people on the beach. They all are just standing still facing the camera straight on.  These types of photographed is very simple. I like how she uses different types of beaches as backgrounds creating diversity but keeping it a constant series. I believe she is taking these images this way to focus on the human in the image, there is very little to distract from and when at a beach women do not have makeup on so here you see people for them. The main purpose in these photos are to simply show people for who they are, nothing to distract or cover.  

Thursday, January 15, 2015

2nd Chances

For second chances I want to work on abstract expressionism and learn more how to add abstract expressionism into photography. I want to spend a little more time on this project and get better in this artistic area.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Winter Break

gG-DJHg1SxXN1hSn2pWp4wdqfAS2xyKzHKEte_sFYiDbudJKZAWWmne8PwSH0wiHZcTIRXaZVAE=w1517-h660.jpgMy winter break consisted of family friends (my favorite being Sarah Parker) and Netflix. I received a fish eyed camera lens for my iPhone and it was below freezing outside so I stayed inside and played with my new lens. This picture is of my room at 2 o'clock in the morning because I liked the lighting at that moment in time. I liked the fish eye lens because it made the scene look different than what it did in reality. Another part of this picture I like is all of the different shapes throughout the room. This picture represents my life with my computer, Cheetos, and everything else in my life